Wednesday, August 9

Plant a Cracker

- You know you can plant these in your garden, don't you? The lady at the till was looking up from my shopping bag, which she insisted on packing.
- Sorry?
- Your crackers. They have seeds on them, and if you plant them, they will turn into flowers. I stared at my Ryvita crackers with sunflower seeds, then glanced over my shoulder for the candid camera. There was none.
- I have no garden, I said, sheepishly. The peculiar lady ignored me and continued packing, no doubt thinking to herself "what a waste".

My confused head rewinded to last week, when a whispering, Chinese bloke now seated two tills away started interrogating me about the first red carrots I have ever bought, asking how I was intending to eat them, and then proceeding to the other products in my bag, in such a whisper I had to stick my head into his comfort zone to even hear.

There are many things in our kitchens we could plant, does that mean we have to? And who teaches these people their job?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmpf eg har lagt avocadosteinen min i vatn men eg kan ikkje sei at det har blitt noken fruktfat av ein plante enda. kan hende eg prøver med kjeks viss han har tenkt å fortsette å sjå så molefonken ut. dei er ikkje så dumme borti der.