Wednesday, August 9

Drilling Me Softly

What a let-down. It is Wednesday and Murphy's is still all over my alley, torturing all of us who live here. I can't even hear the happy calypsos from the music man closest to my door. Some four weeks ago, one of the workmen told me they would only be here for two more Mondays. He must have lied for fear of my reaction.

Today the devious scoundrels have even dug a hole RIGHT in front of our door! I have shut the windows, I have plugged in my ear protection, but still, there is a distinct sound of drilling inside my head.

On the news two days ago there was a guy who had received a court order to stop digging tunnels underneath his house. Apparently he had started out in the 1960s, and since then, a string of neighbours tried to have the pointless digging stopped. How I sympathise - this is hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heheheh! så fantastisk utspekulert! eg hadde ein som borra i bakgården forrige måne, og alltid spesielt masse når eg brukte den celloen eg lånte den veka. eg veit ikkje om eg kunne klandre han, du veit.
mitt einaste tips er å kjøpe et lukka headset og ei juana molina-plate. hm nei kjøpe ei plate med japansk støy, merzbow! det må jo vere skapt for anledningen. eller ta det opp og bli avant garde støymusikar, stor i japan