Thursday, September 7

Recent Events III: Python eats pregnant ewe

So far, this picture has been the only good thing about the ongoing newspaper war in London, which entails that about 20 people will attempt to force LondonLite into your bag and another 20 will throw the London Paper at you (in a single afternoon).

The memorable caption goes:

"A python sits on a road after swallowing a pregnant ewe (ei søye) in the Malaysian village of Kampung Jabor, about 124 miles east of the capital Kuala Lumpur. The six-metre reptile [after this I will NEVER walk barefeet in the woods or visit Malaysian villages, I repeat, NEVER], weighing in at 198.5lb, was too full to move, making it easy for firemen to capture it.

Biletet har sett meg så til dei grader ut av spel at eg heldt på å døy av skrekk i dag tidleg då eg skulle dusje og mistok kjønnshåra mine for ein enorm edderkopp. Pistre!


Anonymous said...

Korleis må ikkje då menn ha det kvar morgon i dusjen...

chinadoll said...

Idun, your writing and photos make me laugh!!