Saturday, December 30

Christmas & New Year

Christmas may be a holiday, but it is certainly a busy one! The blog will be back shortly, it just needs to celebrate New Year first.

Hugs to all who have been good over the past year!

Saturday, December 16

Funny Winter

It's December, and the Russian bears are sleepless. Around here, winter is threatening to arrive,
but we are still waiting. Funny or not? The climate changes we are witnessing have to be real. Even extremist liberalists have started believing so, though they probaby think it ludicrus to demand any change in policy or individual behaviour just to save the planet.

Today, while walking my neighbour's dog with a former classmate, her baby girl and their dog, I witnessed about four kinds of downpour, ranging from hail through snow, sleet and rain. The snow actually stayed on the ground - finally - covering the green, drowning grass for a moment.
I'm not sure this relieves my fears that something very odd is about to begin.

Friday, December 15


Eg tel. Dette er minst 3.toreveret på Leikanger i november/desember. No sit eg på jobben, klokka er nesten ti, og det er stupmørkt med lyn ute. Det er ikkje for ingenting at eg har begynt å drøyme om vondsinna torevêr og kulelyn som følgjer etter meg

Thursday, December 7


The project on which I am working is about bringing Chinese and European researchers involved with Green Electronics together - through for instance conferences. So, it did make sense that we would go to China. This was my colleague's first time in Asia ever, and my second time in China. Just some quick photos from our even quicker trip

My colleague Otto and I with a very Chinese-looking tower behind, or so we thought

The Beijing Olympics stadions are practically rising out of the sandy ground as we speak! Our hotel was right next to the "Bird's Nest", a marvellous architectural creation in tangled steel

Otto before the presentation he gave of our project. It turns out my name too is now on a conference paper..!

Our "reactionary" logo, designed by a certain Silje (bottom left)

Researchers capturing the moment

Finally, I got to eat proper Chinese food again, in contrast to "Norwegian" Chinese food. Otto was a keen student of this new universe of food&drinks. Here, with a pot of heavenly tea.